I met Pascal and Arja in Istambul when I was heading Middle East coming from Central Asia. They were coming from Australia on a R1200 GS called Francois. They had been in exotic countries like Nepal, India, Pakistan and Iran and were heading Europe till arrive to Oslo. Then, they were going to stablish in Nyon, near Geneve. I promised myself to visit them as soon as I could. Now it has been the time. I arrived Nyon late in the evening and the first thing we did was changing Francois rear tyre on the road. My bike also needed help because I had my first punchure. Pascal fixed. Who needs mechanichs when one has survived riding in India?
The second thing we did was drinking gallons of beer and wine while talking about trips, motorbikes and trips.
Lo que hicimos después fue beber galones de cerveza y vino mientras hablabamos de viajes, motos y viajes.
The following day we rode around the leman lake among hills and villages as Montreux. It was cloduy and the road was slippery but we reached without any problem the high mountains than sourronds Interlaken. But there were herds of musicians in disguise. It was some kind of festival there. They were not very happy because it was pouring cats and dogs and was midd of June. Too many sad musicians and too less free rooms for us, so we left to Lauterbrunnen, where we slept at the Jungfrau campingsite by a very reasonable price. Again, we were about to finish all the Chianty wine they had.
El día siguiente rodeamos el lago Leman entre montañas y villas. Estaba nublado y la carretera resbaladiza pero alcanzamos la cima de las montañas que rodean Interlaken. Pero allí había hordas de músicos disfrazados de época porque había un festival. Mojados por la copiosa lluvia no parecían muy felices. Demasiados músicos y pocas habitaciones, así que nos fuimos a Lauterbrunnen, donde dormimos en el camping por un precio muy razonable. De nuevo, casi terminanos con el Chianti que allí tenían.
The following morning we rode to Grindenwald, where the fog and the snow were still there and split at Interlaken.
La mañana siguiente fuimos hasta Grindenwald donde la niebla y la nieve estaban todavía allí y nos separamos en Interlaken.
They went back to Nyon and I rode to Luzern, Schwyz and Zurich by the shore of its lake. Then I saw a ferry and decided to cross the Lake because the field is always greener at the other side of the fence. And drier too. At Meilen was not raining.
Ellos regresaron y yo fui a Lucerna, Schwyz y Zurich por la orilla del lago. Entonces vi un ferry y decidí cruzar porque el campo del vecino siempre es más verde. Además, en Meilen no llovía.
Zurich is a nice, clean and quiet city.
Zurich es una bonita, limpia y tranquila ciudad.
But sometimes there are not getaway so I came across to a narrow street with high stair at the end. I said to me: Ok, go ahead.
Pero algunas veces no hay salida así que me encontré en una calle estrecha con altos escalones al final, así que me dije: adelante.
Zurich is full of antiquaries and art stores. I am not a collector but I saw something really amazing. A RAF pilot helmet from the 50s. I bought it thinking the whole weekend had been not to expensive.
Zurich está llena de anticuarios y tiendas de arte. No soy un coleccionista pero vi algo realmente increible. Un casco de piloto de la RAF de los 50. Pensé que el finde había salido económico así que me di el capricho y lo compré.
But then the tragedy happened. I saw a light flashing behind me and two blue siluetes in front. They were cops and I got the most expensive speed fine ever. But they were really nice.
Entonces ocurrió la tragedia. Vi una flash a mi espalda y dos siluetas azules delante. Eran policías y yo obtuve la más cara multa por exceso de velocidad.
Para conservar la calma decidí abandonar la perfección suiza y me dirigí a la Selva Negra alemana donde poder esconderme entre los árboles cual ngomo travieso.
Then to keep my temper I decided to leave the swiss perfection and headed to the Black Forest in Germmany where I could hid my self among the trees as a bold ngomo.
No te sientas solo Miguel. Yo también probé el jarabe de palo suizo. Creo recordar que fueron 700€...